Special Episode 2: Primary Colors

Special Episode 2’s cover: John Travolta and Emma Thompson in Primary Colors.

In Special Episode #2, “Primary Colors,” Elizabeth and Flourish discuss  Primary Colors, the movie (starring John Travolta and Emma Thompson) based on the book (by an anonymous author later revealed to be Joe  Klein, journalist at Newsweek). The film follows the 1992 Democratic primary campaign of “Jack Stanton,” a character loosely (uh, or heavily) based on Bill Clinton, and it serves as a jumping off point for  discussion of why both Elizabeth and Flourish really, fundamentally like  Hillary Clinton—and find her life and story both depressing and inspiring. To listen to the episode or read the transcript, pledge to our Patreon!


Show Notes

[00:00:00] As always, our intro music is “Awel” by stefsax, used under a CC-BY 3.0 license.

Here, have a gif of Hillary looking unimpressed. We imagine she practices this look on Bill a lot.

A gif. Hillary looks real unimpressed. She’s wearing a fabulous white suit.

[00:13:56] The first musical interlude is “Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area” by Doctor Turtle, used under a CC-BY license.


A gif of CJ Cregg, from The West Wing, doing The Jackal.

[00:29:55] Our second musical interlude is “It Looks Like The Future, But It Feels Like The Past” by Doctor Turtle, used under a CC-BY license.

[00:34:20] “The Most Famous Person You Don’t Know: A Cultural History of Hillary Clinton” by Briana Fasone

Here, have another gif that is relevant to this post but doesn’t exactly have a timestamp that it works at!

A gif of Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton saying “Wait, I’m sorry, who’s here? Mistresses? Bill, how could you?”

[00:40:22] There is NO GIF ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET of Kathy Bates saying “I AM A GAY LESBIAN WOMAN” and this is shocking we are not OK

A gif of Kathy Bates saying “LIIIIIIIIIIIIIES”!

[00:41:54] Our outro music is “Hail to the Chief” played by the Air Force Concert Band, which is in the public domain!

Oh, and if you’re wondering if Elizabeth was right in saying that Bernie was a way less effective legislator than Hillary? Yeah, she’s right.